Tee times starting at 11:00.
The game is individual stroke play against Par for the course (72).
Each player is given a tombstone with their name and their personal course handicap written on it.
Using full course handicap (72), each player continues to play until they have used up the number of strokes equaling Par (72) plus their personal course handicap.
For example, a player with a course handicap of 14 playing a Par 72 course would be allowed 86 strokes. When he has used his allotted number of strokes, he plants his tombstone beside his ball; and for him, the game is over. (It may be necessary to play extra holes beyond the 18th to use all allotted strokes).
Prizes are awarded to the players who plant their tombstones farthest around the course. Prizes are awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place players.
If a player does not have a course handicap established at Lake Ridge Golf Course, a handicap will be calculated for the player. All players will play in accordance with League Rules. We will use the black tees for men, white tees for senior men and the yellow tees for Women. Everyone may play the ball up.